The Young People serivce exist to prepare junior high and high school students to change their worlds for Christ.
Our burden for the young people is that they would begin to develop a personal relationship with the Lord and companionship with one another. Part of our care toward this burden involves meetings twice a week where we cover specific topics related to the Bible and the Christian living. In addition, we organize monthly outings where we get to know one another on a human level.
Through meaningful service opportunities, young people will learn to give themselves away for the sake of Christ and others. Christ shapes young person's lives and we love to share in that process.
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As a young person entering 6th grade, our focus is on salvation and covering topics in the Bible that pertain to the young people.
As our young people into the next phase of their life, we encourage them to consider baptism as part of hte salvation experience.
John 3:5 says, “Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” Baptism is a condition of regeneration and entrance into the kingdom of God. To be regenerated and enter into the kingdom of God we need not only to repent and believe that we may receive God's life through the Holy Spirit, but also to practice baptism that everything of ourselves may be terminated by the water of baptism.
It's up to everyone to look after the spiritual development of our next generation. We keep our middle school and high school students' lives meaningful by providing an atmosphere rich with God's Word, healthy companionships, and fun activities.