The Lord's Recovery of Eating

Jan 11, 2020 | by Natalie Kingsbury
Book Review: The Lord's Recovery of Eating by Witness Lee
What is God’s desire for man? First, we need to see that God wants to enter into man to be man’s very life. Man is simply God’s vessel to contain God and we must come to the realization that only God should be our content. Unfortunately, before man chose the way of eating the Lord, Satan came in. Man fell because he ate of things that were other than God. But we have a God full of mercy! God’s desire is still that man would eat God Himself. The Lord is longing that man would eat the Lord to be filled with Him.
How can God achieve His purpose? In John 6:48 the Lord says, “I am the bread of life” and in John 6:57b it goes on to say that “…he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me”. These verses reveal that only by eating the Lord can we receive God into us as our content. “Not only do we need to understand, apprehend, know, love, believe, follow, and worship the Lord; even more we need to eat Him”. God’s desire for man is that man may eat Him moment by moment. God is edible for man to take Him in!
The more we eat and drink the Lord, the more real our worship to Him is. The Lord only cares to enter into man as life. Man’s need is not the teaching of doctrines but another life, which is Christ Himself. For this very reason, the Lord created us with a human spirit. The human spirit is the organ for us to eat the Lord! May we be those who exercise our spirit to contact and eat the Lord. True remembrance of the Lord is eating, which is for us to exercise our spirit to receive the Lord into us again and again.